
Beating the system through counter-economics

No matter who becomes president, the ‘war on drugs’ will continue. The prisons will stay full. Little old ladies will still get arrested for not mowing their lawns. The police will continue to kill people every day. No matter who becomes president, the drones will keep flying—and killing. The surveillance state will continue hacking and …


What do libertarians believe?

“Mr. Libertarian” Murray Rothbard put it this way, “If you wish to know how libertarians regard the State and any of its acts, simply think of the State as a criminal band, and all of the libertarian attitudes will logically fall into place.” Once one recognizes that the authority claimed by the state is fictional, …


Why I Love the Circus

Going to the circus has always been something that I very much enjoy, and it saddens me to think that future generations may be denied the same pleasure. Opposition to the circus is quite the cause célèbre lately and now it has even invaded Idaho. Though the stated cause is protecting animals from “cruelty,” the …


Supreme Court takes “a large and painful bite out of the First Amendment”

Today is a very sad day for free speech. In an under-reported case, Walker v. Sons of Confederate Veterans, the Supreme Court had the opportunity to defend freedom of speech from a vicious attack by the forces of political correctness and ‘social justice,’ but it instead—in a 5-4 decision—opted to spit on the First Amendment. Justice Clarence …


Drug Dealers and Tire Salesmen

A friend of mine recently posed an interesting question. He asked, “Assuming that drugs were legalized… what would you suggest is my right if a drug dealer moves in next door? What are my rights when it comes to protecting my property and my children?” I was in the process of replying when I realized …


Joe Biden’s false equivalence

In a statement released by Vice President Joe Biden a few days ago for the “International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia” (apparently that’s a thing), he addressed issues facing the LGBT community. His short statement was not policy-heavy and was based primarily on the notion “that everyone, everywhere is entitled to be treated with dignity …