
“Protectionism” Only Protects Special Interests

Protectionism exists in many facets of the economy and is essentially the use of taxes, regulations, or other means to disincentivize, restrict, or prohibit trade. The idea is simple: I am the only widget maker in town and I get the town council to levy a 50 percent tax on any widgets that are manufactured …


The Nature of Freedom

There is no political system that can “establish” or “protect” freedom. The reason for this is quite simple: Any “system” necessarily requires taking power and authority from the individual and granting that stolen authority to the collective in some form. If the system did not do this, it would not be a system, but the …


Healthcare is not a “right”

No one has the “right” to the services, property, or advice of another. Healthcare is not a “right,” but a category of commodities to be bought and sold in a voluntary marketplace. People “need” lots of things including food, water, shelter, and healthcare; but “need” is not a justification for theft. Whenever the government engages …


The Evil of Animal ‘Rights’

This article was written by Alex Epstein and Yaron Brook in 2001. Due to the fact that the original article appears to no longer be available, I am making it available here. I did not write this article. Scientists are closer than ever to finding cures for AIDS, cancer and other deadly illnesses. But more research …


Animal Rights and the New Man Haters

This article was written by Edwin Locke, Ph.D. Due to the fact that the original article appears to no longer be available, I am making it available here. I did not write this article. Recently a sixth grade student threatened to bomb the headquarters of a prominent corporation, the Gillette Company. Gillette’s “crime”? The use of …


Marxist Overtones in Three Films by James Cameron

This article was written by James Kendrick and published in the Journal of Popular Film & Television on September 22, 1999. Due to the fact that the original article appears to no longer be available, I am making it available here. I did not write this article. When James Cameron’s romantic disaster epic Titanic opened nationally in U.S. theaters on December …