
The War on “Whiteness”

It has become popular among leftists to conflate “whiteness” (essentially being of Caucasian heritage) with “white supremacy” and to attack these concepts as if they were indistinguishable. This obfuscation is intentional because the theory of “white supremacy” is only embraced by a tiny minority, and it has no traction in modern society that necessitates the …


Debunking the ‘Privilege’ Fallacy

To begin with, let’s just acknowledge that the term “white privilege” is a racist and disparaging term that endeavors to shame and ‘other’ white people based on their race. We must also recognize that such needless race shaming is based on myths and lies. The ‘privilege’ narrative is based on some of the same fundamental …


Killing the American Meritocracy

The American Dream is under attack like never before—not just the ability to fulfill the dream—but its very concept and history. At the core of the American Dream is the idea of meritocracy. There is no royalty in America, no titles of nobility, no entrenched caste system. You could be born anywhere, to anyone, and …