
Make America Better Again

I’m never going to be a cheerleader for Trump because I want a government small enough to drown in a bathtub, not the big-spending ‘populism’ of today’s GOP. With that said, the contrast between Trump and the vapid political bimbo the left is propping up couldn’t be more stark. We cannot afford — both literally …


The War on “Whiteness”

It has become popular among leftists to conflate “whiteness” (essentially being of Caucasian heritage) with “white supremacy” and to attack these concepts as if they were indistinguishable. This obfuscation is intentional because the theory of “white supremacy” is only embraced by a tiny minority, and it has no traction in modern society that necessitates the …


What is Cultural Marxism?

Today, someone asked me, “What is cultural Marxism and how has it taken over our society?” The truth is I could write an entire book on this subject (and perhaps one day I will), but I wanted to summarize my answer in a few paragraphs because I believe this is an issue that many people …