
Fentanyl, Drug Policy, and Informed Consent

Should drugs be legal? Even fentanyl? These are questions libertarians hear regularly as the death toll attributed to fentanyl continues to rise. One of the core foundations of libertarian thought is consent, and by extension, the ability to grant or withdraw consent. The reason why some choices are generally denied to minors yet broadly extended …


My ten unpopular, non-political opinions

There’s a bit of a trend right now to share unpopular, non-political opinions on Facebook. Here are some of mine. I don’t smoke and never have, but I don’t mind cigarette smoke. I do mind those who complain about it. Nothing ruins food like adding vegetables to it. Especially shredded lettuce… No one wants your …


Six ways children are treated like (or even worse than) slaves

I truly believe that one day mankind will look back on the way children were treated in 2016 with the same incredulity and revulsion as they do how slaves were treated in 1816. The inhuman treatment of children combined with the habitual denial of even their most basic human rights is an inerasable stain upon …