Growing government is always the wrong choice, and conservatives should never support or vote for a budget or policy proposal that increases government spending.
Government is the Problem

Growing government is always the wrong choice, and conservatives should never support or vote for a budget or policy proposal that increases government spending.
If Idahoans vote to expand Medicaid, the impact to state and local budgets will likely be minimal (at least for the first few years.) Depending on how many people enroll in Medicaid and how a host of existing state and local programs respond, the impact is likely to be +/- $10-$12 million per year for …
ALL human life, without exception, requires effort (i.e. labor) to sustain. If a human being is alive, someone is laboring (or has labored) to sustain that life. Even under the most fortunate circumstances, basic necessities such as food, water, and shelter must be procured which requires the expenditure of at least some effort on someone’s …