
Make America Better Again

I’m never going to be a cheerleader for Trump because I want a government small enough to drown in a bathtub, not the big-spending ‘populism’ of today’s GOP. With that said, the contrast between Trump and the vapid political bimbo the left is propping up couldn’t be more stark. We cannot afford — both literally and figuratively — to allow the left to install another imbecilic puppet as President.

The biggest question is if it’s even possible to have a ‘fair and free’ election now that rabid leftists have seized the levers of power in several critical swing states. I’m far from optimistic in this regard.

In essence, we live under an oligarchy run by a cabal of sociopathic leftist elites who have managed to cloak their despotism in the garb of ‘democracy.’ This system is populated by tens of millions of Americans who have become a mob of unthinking automatons, driven by media spin and embracing increasingly deranged theories and beliefs. These NPCs dutifully cast their votes each cycle for whatever doltish and depraved candidates don the requisite “D” after their names.

This system has relegated the productive and intelligent members of society to a persecuted minority who are effectively enslaved to enrich the cabal and subsidize its vast army of devoted underlings.

I’m not suggesting that electing Trump will fundamentally fix these problems or transform the system into something worth supporting, but I’m quite certain the alternative will significantly exacerbate the problem — likely beyond the possibility of recovery.

For all his faults, Trump represents a threat to the cabal’s agenda of Cultural Marxism, and right now, his election is as big a win as we can hope to achieve. It’s far from the world libertarians, classical liberals, or even traditional conservatives prefer, but a Trump victory means we live to fight another day. The alternative means the plunge into bankruptcy and degeneracy continues unabated.

For the sake of our children and grandchildren, let’s at least try to forestall total societal collapse and return to some semblance of normalcy and morality. America was never perfect, but it has certainly been better — and it can be better again. That almost sounds like a slogan.

By Parrish Miller

This is my personal website where I discuss issues of philosophy, politics, and survival from a libertarian perspective.

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