“If you are not actively fighting against evil, your apathy is helping evil succeed.” ~ Parrish Miller
Six ways children are treated like (or even worse than) slaves
I truly believe that one day mankind will look back on the way children were treated in 2016 with the same incredulity and revulsion as they do how slaves were treated in 1816. The inhuman treatment of children combined with the habitual denial of even their most basic human rights is an inerasable stain upon…
How to be a good juror
Someday you may be called to serve on a jury. This is a grave responsibility which gives you power over someone’s life and liberty, and you must not take it lightly. There is no action more serious than depriving someone of their freedom and that is exactly what a guilty verdict from a jury does.…
Capitalism for dummies (and socialists)
The whole notion of capitalism is that those with capital are incentivized to invest it in order to obtain a profit. If profits are outlawed or significantly reduced through confiscatory taxation, the incentive to invest is reduced or eliminated. If profit is forbidden, I have no incentive to invest rather than consume. Why would I…
Human nature and the state
It has been said that if men were angels, they wouldn’t need government. The truth is that it is because men aren’t angels that the state is so dangerous. Most people are decent and good. They do not want to control, hurt, or extort their fellow man. There is a minority, however, for whom these…
The False Dichotomy of ‘Pro-Life’ versus ‘Pro-Choice’
Let me apologize at the outset for the terms “liberal,” “conservative,” and “libertarian.” These terms do not fully encompass the beliefs and ideologies involved, but are used as shorthand to refer to broad coalitions within the political realm. Broadly speaking, conservatives claim to be “pro-life” and liberals claim to be “pro-choice.” These terms are wholly…
Beating the system through counter-economics
No matter who becomes president, the ‘war on drugs’ will continue. The prisons will stay full. Little old ladies will still get arrested for not mowing their lawns. The police will continue to kill people every day. No matter who becomes president, the drones will keep flying—and killing. The surveillance state will continue hacking and…