
“If you are not actively fighting against evil, your apathy is helping evil succeed.” ~ Parrish Miller

  • Medicaid Expansion in Idaho Comes with a $5 Billion Price Tag

    Medicaid Expansion in Idaho Comes with a $5 Billion Price Tag

    If Idahoans vote to expand Medicaid, the impact to state and local budgets will likely be minimal (at least for the first few years.) Depending on how many people enroll in Medicaid and how a host of existing state and local programs respond, the impact is likely to be +/- $10-$12 million per year for…

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  • A ‘Red Flag’ for your rights (Yes, they’re coming for your guns)

    A ‘Red Flag’ for your rights (Yes, they’re coming for your guns)

    The latest scheme from the gun grabbers is called “red flag” laws and, unlike most their other schemes, even nominally conservative pundits and publications are getting on board with this attempt to disarm certain people. That’s the trick, you see, the classic divide-and-conquer strategy that has worked in so many other cases. They don’t want…

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  • Life requires labor, either your own or someone else’s

    Life requires labor, either your own or someone else’s

    ALL human life, without exception, requires effort (i.e. labor) to sustain. If a human being is alive, someone is laboring (or has labored) to sustain that life. Even under the most fortunate circumstances, basic necessities such as food, water, and shelter must be procured which requires the expenditure of at least some effort on someone’s…

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  • Don’t blame the guns, blame the schools

    Don’t blame the guns, blame the schools

    Today’s public schools already share many characteristics with prisons, yet the ‘answer’ some folks are proposing to the (statistically negligible) threat of school shootings is to make schools even more like prisons. Schools are an artificial environment that (much like a prison) forces kids to join gangs or cliques in order to avoid rejection and…

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  • Yes, we do need 30-round magazines for self-defense

    Yes, we do need 30-round magazines for self-defense

    I keep encountering the truly ridiculous assertion that anyone who has a 30-round magazine for a firearm “must be planning to kill 30 people.” Now, most of the people making such claims aren’t attempting to have a good-faith discussion, but for those who actually don’t understand the issue, here’s a more realistic assessment. Typically, those trained…

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  • Obligations, Responsibility, and the Inalienability of the Will

    Obligations, Responsibility, and the Inalienability of the Will

    Even among those who subscribe to the non-aggression principle (NAP), there are some who do not understand the nature of obligations, responsibility, and the inalienability of the will. While a thorough discussion of these issues could fill many volumes, it is my desire to provide a simple summary for those who desire an overview of the…

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